As an independent seller on Apollo, you must clearly state your return policy in the product listings. As a seller, you have several options when it comes to how you configure your return, refund, and exchange policy, as each policy will differ per seller on this site. This includes but is not limited to: Whether or not you accept them; The time frame during which they may be requested (e-g., within 30 days); And any other agreement between the buyer/seller that has been made through our platform—you must fulfill those terms and conditions when refunding, returning, or exchanging items with the customer who originally purchased an item on Apollo. Please note that the shipping cost is not included with purchases made through this site and is up to the seller to determine the most cost effective solution, unless the seller has joined an agreement to participate with the Apollo Fulfillment Network.

If you decide to accept returns and refunds, you must adhere to predetermined guidelines and notify us if your policy changes. For instance, we expect that any returned item is in the same condition as when it was sent, with all parts intact. If a customer requests an exchange or refund on an item they purchased from Apollo in said condition, you must honor that request.

Please note that Apollo reserves the right to intervene in any case where it appears that the seller has not honored our policies and guidelines.

We recommend that sellers establish clear and concise communication with customers in order to prevent any misunderstandings. We also suggest that you document your return, exchange and/or refund policy on the product listing page to ensure a smooth transaction between buyer and seller.

If you have further questions about how to handle returns, refunds, or exchanges for items sold on Apollo, please contact us at and we will be happy to assist you further. Thank you for being part of the Apollo community!

This article is provided by Apollo as a resource to its merchants. The information contained herein is not intended to serve as legal advice and should only be used for informational purposes. For more detailed information on returns, refunds, and exchanges, please consult with a qualified attorney.


Most frequently asked questions

Seller Essentials

What can be sold on Apollo?

At Apollo, you'll find that all the products showcased on the site were made in the USA per FTC (Federal Trade Commission) regulations. All the products sold on the Apollo marketplace must fall under either Group 1, Group 2, or Group 3 of American made goods.

Group 1: Made in the USA: All or virtually all aspects of a product were made in America, from its components and ingredients, all the way to its manufacturing and assembly.

Group 2: Made in America with domestic and foreign components: Ingoing materials are made in the U.S. and also a foreign nation, with assembly and/or manufacturing occurring in the U.S.

Group 3: Assembled in the USA: These products contain a higher percentage of imported ingredients and components, but the final product and assembly was produced on American soil.

Buyers come here to purchase items that they might not find anywhere else since most sites sell merchandise that is produced, sourced, and manufactured in a foreign nation. Everything listed for sale on Apollo can be handmade and a craft styled product. In addition to unique one-off products, we also work with vendors and sellers who sell larger produced items that also fall under the umbrella of "American made". You will find both unique and everyday items that meet these specific criteria and we look forward to displaying your unique items that have been produced, sourced, and/or assembled right here in America.

In the event that it is discovered that the Seller's products do not fall under any of the three groups declared above, Apollo reserves the sole discretion to remove said products from Apollo's marketplace.

Shopping Basics

What Shipping Methods Are Available?

Each seller must determine the best shipping method for themselves while meeting the needs of the customers and the requirements of the marketplace. The standard carriers are UPS, USPS, and FedEx. If you need special arrangements that are not currently provided, please reach out as we would be happy to coordinate other viable options.

What are your shipping and return policies?

For sellers that are independent of Apollo's Fulfillment Network, the shipping, exchange, and return policies are dependent on the policies laid out by each vendor. You can find the seller's policy on the product description page. Please refer to our Buyer & User Policy page for detailed information.

Do You Ship Internationally?

Sellers have the choice if they wish to ship their product both domestically and internationally.


What Payment Methods Are Accepted?

We proudly accommodate a wide range of payment methods tailored to your convenience. From all prominent credit card providers, encompassing Visa, Mastercard, American Express, to Discover and beyond, we have you covered. Additionally, we are pleased to accept seamless transactions through trusted digital payment processors like PayPal and Apple Pay.

Do you charge sales tax on any item?

Who likes taxes? Not us at Apollo! But unfortunately, in many states, you might have to pay sales tax for some of your online purchases. No matter where the seller is located - if your state mandates it, we're required to add on that additional fee. Not sure why certain items are taxed and others aren't? It all comes down to item categorization – different types of products may be charged differently depending on where you live. If something seems off or wrong with a purchase's taxation rate while shopping with us at Apollo marketplace though, don’t hesitate to reach out to our helpful support team via email:

We follow all state and federal guidelines pertaining to sales tax. Unless you have applied and been approved for a tax exemption status, sales tax will be present for each of our sellers and their participating buyers.

Outside of the general commission charge, what other charges will I incur as a seller?

At our marketplace, transparency is our anchor point. We uphold a straightforward pricing structure, free from hidden charges or product listing fees. Our model is simple - we only collect a set percentage margin of 12% on each successful sale. No surprises, just simple and straightforward transactions.

Shipping & Returns

A customer wants to return their purchase! What do I do as the seller?

Upon onboarding as a Seller, you will have notified us of your refund, return, and exchange policy. Based on that, we will have incorporated that into our automated Return Portal. From there, the customer will initiate a return or exchange via the Return Portal. After the return has been initiated by the customer, we will automatically notify you of the desired return by the customer and distribute the payments accordingly after the refund is accepted by you.

A customer's order never arrived, now what?

If a package is lost during transit for an order placed on Apollo, the customer is generally entitled to a full refund under the Protected by Apollo program. This program covers eligible orders up to $250, including shipping fees, if the item fails to arrive. The seller must submit a claim with the shipping carrier to recoup the cost of the lost package, which includes the shipping charges that will be reimbursed by Apollo.

What is the refund process?

Since we incorporate your return policies into our system's back-end, return requests will automatically be triggered once a customer requests a return in our Return Portal. This is to ensure customers have a seamless shopping experience while reducing manual triggers for you and your team.

What happens if a customer cancels an order?

If a customer cancels an order, the order will be marked as "cancelled", preventing its fulfillment. The cancellation of an order cannot be undone. Our system will detect the cancellation and will automatically communicate the order change to you to ensure you do not fulfill a cancelled order.


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